Sunday, August 26, 2012


Welcome to our brand new blog, The ViaValeron Vine!  This is our very first blog entry and we are so excited to have you join us!  Our purpose here is to help educate you about the healing elements of our awesome jewelry (if we do say so ourselves!), and to also share stories, experiences and any other helpful and/or interesting information that we can.  Here we can share some great information with you about our new products, ideas for the future, current industry news, baby trends, and anything that we think you’d be interested in reading - even if it might not have anything to do with jewelry. ;) 

We’d like this blog to be a special community of friends and supporters, so we welcome each and every one of you to leave us comments, suggestions, feedback, links, and whatever else you’d like to share.  But remember, we want to learn about you, too! If you have a blog that you write or one (or two, or ten) that you just love and want to share, please let us know in the comments section!  

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